Why do the Azores make such problems to tourists?
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„Why do the Azores make such problems to tourists who want to go there on vacation?” – I sometimes read in messages or on social media. I share with you up-to-date information about the current situation in the Azores and … Czytaj dalej

„Clean & Safe Açores” – dobre praktyki na Azorach
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„Clean & Safe” to znak wprowadzony przez Turismo de Portugal. Potwierdza on – dosłownie – czystość i bezpieczeństwo firm zajmujących się turystyką w Portugalii. Jak pewnie zauważyliście, Portugalii nie ominęła pandemia COVID-19. Portugalczycy, mimo trudnej sytuacji, chcą pokazać, że dbają … Czytaj dalej

„Clean & Safe Açores” – good practices in the Azores
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„Clean & Safe” is a mark introduced by Turismo de Portugal. It confirms – literally – the cleanliness and safety of tourism companies in Portugal. As you may have noticed, the COVID-19 pandemic didn’t have mercy for Portugal. The Portuguese, … Czytaj dalej

Coronavirus in the Azores – new restrictions
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This article provides up-to-date information on the coronavirus situation in the Azores. You will find here the current restrictions and requirements. The newest information is at the top, the oldest at the bottom. Current situation: * In Portugal, more than … Czytaj dalej

Coronavirus in the Azores – the end of preventive isolation
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As of Friday, May 29, 2020, preventive isolation ceases to apply in the Azores. Today will be informative! I know that you are waiting impatiently for information when you will be able to visit the Azores, so today there are … Czytaj dalej